Sahuarita USD hosts first annual State of the District

IMG_2461Sahuarita Unified School District reached out to the greater community to tell a story of success through student performances at the State of the District event on February 13, 2015. The audience was immersed in a student driven composition of the achievements of Sahuarita USD.

In a time when challenges in public education are frequently a topic of conversation in the news, sharing the often­— unrecognized efforts and accomplishments of students and teachers falls to the district. This was also an opportunity for the District to reinforce the value of partnerships with the community, share progress and acknowledge endeavors within education.

Sahuarita Unified School District’s Superintendent Dr. Manuel Valenzuela, in his first state-of-the-schools address, credited students, parents, teachers and the community for the district’s continued high level of academic achievement.

The District developed a strategic plan, SUSD 2020, which provides a roadmap of consistent directions to guide the systemic amelioration of student success.

The Superintendent highlighted continuous efforts from SUSD 2020 that are essential to the foundation of educating youth in the values, skills and knowledge that enables them to be critical citizens capable of shaping and expanding their environments.


  • Communication efforts have increased to enhance total quality and service. The District has implemented a monthly electronic newsletter to keep the community informed of program developments, current issues, accomplishments, and new directions. In addition, a new website is being designed to be more user friendly and responsive to the needs of the student, family and community.
  • Sahuarita Unified School District was the first public school district in the State to fully implement the National Math and Science Initiative (NMSI). This proven program proactively increases college readiness and a college going success by increasing College Board Advanced Placement (AP) courses, increasing access and enrollments, professional development, student supports and student incentives.
  • The SUSD 2020 directions plan includes multiple action steps to intentionally identify and keep outstanding professionals in all sectors of our organization.
  • Sahuarita Unified School District pursued and successfully attained the 21st Century Community Learning Center grant. This provides high quality, supplemental enrichment and academic support programs that enhance the learning experiences of SUSD students at two campuses.
  • Sahuarita WINS, a strategic partnership, emerged from a desire to communicate on a regular basis with stakeholders who have a shared interest in the success of our community and ultimately our schools. This initiative has helped to create a unified and regional vision from the standpoint of economic development, workforce investment, and overall quality of life for those who live and work here

IMG_2443Superintendent Manuel Valenzuela ended by stating, “The District is a function of high quality and dedicated professional staff, working an intentional and inclusive plan with relentless tenacity and commitment, strong and ongoing commitment to finding common ground and building collective efficacy with the greater community, and our shared dedication to meeting the learning needs of every student and inspiriting each one to develop a personalized plan of success to be the absolute best that he/she can be. Together, we will continue to make a difference!”