ATTENTION Anza Families:
Registration Days are as follows:
8th Grade – 7/26/17 By Last Name: A-L 8-10am M-Z 10-12pm
7th Grade – 7/27/17 By Last Name: A-L 8-10am M-Z 10-12pm
6th Grade – 7/28/17 By Last Name: A-L 8-10am M-Z 10-12pm
Please remember to bring your completed yellow update form that was mailed out the first week of July. If you did not get a form, copies are available in the front office or a form can be filled out at registration.
If there is a change of address, you will need to bring the following Proof of Residency:
*Utility Bill (ex: gas, electric, water with physical address)
*Purchase/Lease Agreement
Living with a friend or relative? A Homeowner Statement of Residency will need to be notarized, with homeowner’s proof of residency form attached. The form will is attached below.
Homeowner Statement of Residency
Please be prepared to pay a $1.00 extracurricular fee as well as any outstanding fees/fines in order to get student schedules and IDs. (can be paid with card, check or exact change is appreciated).