March 2019 Superintendent Letter to Families

Dear Families:

As we enter the homestretch of the 2018-19 school year, it is timely to reflect on the successes of the last quarter, and also to prepare to sprint to the finish line with resolve and commitment to our mission of student success.

I witness and hear about outstanding indicators of advancing our mission virtually each and every day. Here are just a few examples of excellence and success, just from the past quarter:

  • Copper View Elementary School Math League Team-Qualified Four Students for the State Math League Competition in May.
  • Walden Grove HS Wrestling Team- Arizona Division III State Wrestling Champions
  • United Way of Arizona Literacy Champions Award Finalists- Kathy Sheldon (Sopori Pre-School), Dayna Burke (Wrightson Ridge School).
  • Sahuarita NJROTC Battalion- US National Academic Exam (9th Place) of about 1,700 units, Tombstone Raider’s Challenge (2nd Place), Joint Service National Marksmanship qualification (Cadet Kaela Caulkins, SHS)
  • Arizona State Dance Championships- Walden Grove HS PAC Dance Team (5 Time Defending Champion), Sahuarita HS Jockeys Team (3rd Place)
  • AZ SciTech Festival – Fifth (5) Annual STEM event for middle school students
  • Sahuarita Intermediate School – Annual Safety Day
  • Arizona School Counselor of the Year – Candice Alvarez (Copper View Elementary School).

As we move through spring to the end of another school year, there are more exciting things to come. These include the adoption of a new social studies program, the prospect of a new solar energy initiative, the replacement of the old portables with new, modern permanent structures, new high school program offerings in biotechnology and business management, and continuation of the National Math and Science Initiative (NMSI) for a sixth year!

This success does not come easy and is never something to take for granted. Rather, it is a testimony to the power of finding common ground, and working together as a team to advance excellence, for our students, and the entire community. It is noteworthy that several of the examples noted above are directly supported by the sacrifice and investment of our local maintenance and operations override, renewed most recently last November. Thank you! Second, these events exemplify the Sahuarita WINS! way of working as a team to help every student succeed. Together we’ll continue to make a difference!


Valenzuela signature

Manuel O. Valenzuela, Ed.D.