Kindergarten Round Up Information

Welcome to Camp Kindergarten!

Wrightson Ridge School Kindergarten Round-Up for 2020-2021

Welcoming all incoming Kindergarteners and Parents/Guardians on

Friday, May 1st

from 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm.

Meet the WRS Kindergarten Team, Staff, tour the school, and more!

Before the event, please make sure to:

1. Complete the online registration at

2. Fill out the Free/Reduced Meal Application at


For the event, please bring the following documents (an original and 2 copies):

1. Birth Certificate (Must be 5 no later than August 31, 2020)

2. Parent ID

3. Proof of Address- For example, Gas/Electric bill, lease, or mortgage. (Cable, Garbage, or Cell phone bills will not be accepted.)

4. Complete Immunization Records. The child must have the following immunizations:

-4-6 DTP (at least 1 after 4th birthday)

-3-4 Polio (last dose after 4th birthday)

-2 MMR

-3 Hepatitis B shots

-Varicella (Chicken Pox) vaccine

5. If applicable, please bring any relevant documents pertaining to custodial/legal guardian rights related to your child. (i.e. Parenting Plan)


Please contact the WRS Front Office for any questions regarding registration. (520) 625-3502 ext 2000

Click here to see the Flyer.