2020 K-8 Summer Enrichment Program Canceled

SUSD Families, 

Due to the health and safety of our students, staff, and community, we are canceling the K-8 Summer Enrichment Program this June. Our teachers are disappointed and I know many of your children will feel the same way. We have all had many changes and challenges in our lives lately and this is an added disappointment. Our plan is to reopen for Summer 2021 with our best summer ever! 
If you would like to request a refund for cash/check payments please submit your request at bit.ly/SUSD30refund by May 15th. 
If you paid with your tax credit option we cannot refund your tuition payment, however, we can offer you a credit for next summer. If you would like to use any payment as a credit for next summer please reply or email me with your child’s name and your request for a credit for Summer 2021. I will be starting our 2021 list now, regular enrollment will open in January 2021. 
After 12 years of coordinating this program, I am sad to not spend time with your children this summer, as well as my own children missing out on this fun-filled learning experience. If you have any questions moving forward please reach out. 
Be well and take care! 
Trina Zimmermann-Hall
SUSD K-8 Summer School Coordinator