Dear SMS Families,
Welcome to the second semester and 2021! I hope you had a restful and enjoyable winter break and holiday season. We already miss seeing your children on campus and have enjoyed seeing them online during office hours the past two days. Please see our welcome back message to students that the staff created on today’s video announcements at the link below. Many thanks to Ms. Matthews, SMS Technology and Science teacher, for putting this together!
I have attached to this message the midyear letter that I shared with all families on December 15 with key information for the second semester, along with a more detailed schedule for virtual office hours, courtesy of SMS teacher Ms. Sheppard-Cole. If you have questions about office hours or online assignments on Google Classroom while we are in remote learning, please contact your child’s teacher directly. I am also available to provide additional support if needed.
I hope that you and your family have been healthy since the end of the first semester and continue to be in good health this semester. If your child or anyone in your child’s household has tested positive for COVID-19 or been exposed to someone with COVID-19 since the last day of the first semester, please contact the SMS Health Assistant, Ms. Sandy Chavez, at [email protected]. Please also contact Ms. Chavez if your child or anyone in your child’s household tests positive or is exposed to COVID-19 while we are in remote learning.
Superintendent Valenzuela will continue to monitor the County health metrics and communicate with the County Health Department to determine when it is safe to return to hybrid instruction, and the district will communicate with all families regularly to provide updates. Thank you for your ongoing support as we start this new semester under less than ideal circumstances. I am hopeful that we will be able to be together on campus again soon! Take good care and be well!
Thank you,
Mrs. Silman