6th Grade Leadership Habits

Course Objectives 

Leadership Habits is a new class designed by teachers to meet the needs of incoming middle school students. 

In addition to learning organizational skills such as using a planner and tracking assignments, students will be introduced to skills in goal setting, emotional regulation, building and maintaining supportive relationships, learning modalities, social awareness, empathy, and conflict resolution. This class will also support students’ reading comprehension, writing, and critical thinking. 

Throughout the course, we will explore these 7 Habits*:

  • Be Proactive Have the courage to accept new challenges and proactively move things forward in a positive and purposeful way.
  • Begin with the End in Mind Set realistic goals and bring projects to completion, inspire yourself and others.
  • First things First Focus on getting the most important things done first.
  • Think Win-Win Encourage conflict resolution, seek mutual benefits, and increase group momentum for mutual problem-solving.
  • Seek First to Understand Actively listen, put yourself in the shoes of others, promote better communication.
  • Synergize Leverage the diversity and strengths of individuals to produce successful outcomes for the group and the individual.
  • Sharpen the Saw  Promote continuous self-improvement.

We hope to support students to become leaders in their own lives, develop a strong sense of belonging, and invest in the Wrightson Ridge School culture.

*The 7 Habits are derived from Steven Covey’s book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens. The book will be used as a resource, it will not be read in its entirety. Students do not need a copy of the book.

How does this course work? 

Leadership Habits is a quarter-long class offered only to 6th grade students at the start of the school year during the 7th period elective wheel. Upon completion of this class, students will then rotate through Art, Career and Technical Education (CTE), and Physical Education (PE). Spanish is offered during 6th period Enrichment.




Standards Alignment

The learning goals for this course are aligned to state and national competencies and standards for Career Literacy, Social-Emotional Learning, and Technological Education. They include the following:

  • The ability to assess one’s strengths and limitations.
  • The ability to successfully regulate one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in different situations; manage stress, control impulses and motivate oneself.
  • The ability to set and work toward personal and academic goals and develop strategies to achieve them.
  • The ability to establish and maintain healthy and rewarding relationships with diverse individuals and groups.
  • The ability to communicate clearly, listen well, cooperate with others, resist inappropriate social pressure, negotiate conflicts, and seek and offer help when needed.
  • The ability to take the perspective of and empathize with others, and understand social norms for behavior.
  • Demonstrate and describe ethical and unethical behavior.
  • Realistically evaluate the consequences of various actions, and consider the well-being of oneself.
  • Reflect on the learning process itself to improve learning outcomes for oneself.
  • Contribute to project teams, assuming various roles and responsibilities to work effectively toward a common goal.
  • Build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas, answers, and solutions.
  • Model leadership skills during classroom and extra-curricular activities.

Home-School Connection

Each week, students will be encouraged to participate in an activity or discussion at home related to the week’s topic. We will post the prompt in Google Classroom and email to families each week. Please feel free to reply with feedback, or send in pictures of how your family engages with the topic. Students will not be penalized if their family is unable to participate in these activities.

We know that students are more successful and invested in their education when their family is active in the school community. This is meant to be a bridge between students’ school and home lives, and to provide an opportunity for building relationships between students, parents, and teachers. Resources are available for families that want to know more about being involved in the school community.


Materials & Expectations 

Materials & Expectations 

  • Composition Notebook
  • School Provided Agenda/Planner
  • Writing Utensils
  • Access to Google Classroom & PowerSchool

The purpose of this class is to support students in learning positive learning habits and being prepared for class every day. Students are expected to actively participate in classroom discussions, written reflection prompts, group work, and individual projects. 

Every student has individual needs to be successful. We encourage students to advocate for themselves so that they can learn in the modality that works best for them. Students can email, text, or speak to us in person to make requests or address questions they have.

Assignments & Grading 

40% Participation in Discussions & Activities 

40% Topic Assignments/Projects

20% Final Assessment

  • Students will have daily writing assignments in their composition notebook journal, which is included in the 40% Participation grade. 
  • Topic Assignments range from written reflections to mini-research projects. Each assignment can be submitted in various ways, students may choose which modality they wish to show their learning.
  • The Final Assessment will provide students the opportunity to showcase what they have learned throughout the quarter. It is a combination of individual reflection and a series of cooperative tasks. Grading rubrics will be provided in advance.

Homework & Absent/Missing Assignments 

Unfinished classwork becomes homework due the following day. All late and/or missing assignments may be marked as a zero in the gradebook, but can be turned in for credit. Students absent from school are responsible for making up missed work and communicating extenuating circumstances to their teacher. PowerSchool is the best place to check on student grades and the status of individual assignments

About the Teachers 

While students are assigned one teacher for this course, we will be teaching cooperatively and students might switch classrooms for individual assignments or activities. Additionally, Mr. Paul Vasquez (PE Teacher) will be supporting both classes and checking in with individual students as needed throughout the quarter. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns. We use Google Voice to text students and parents.

Mrs. Sara Mora 

In addition to Leadership Habits, I also teach Career and Technical Education. This is my twelfth year teaching and my third in middle school. I love teaching in Sahuarita.

I have lived here since my freshman year of high school and graduated from SHS. I was born in Puerto Rico and lived in Oklahoma for most of my childhood. Before teaching middle school, I taught 1st and 2nd grade. I was selected as a 2021 AEF Ambassador of Excellence. I love watching movies, crafting,  and traveling with my husband and son.

520-222-9055 | room #303
[email protected] 


Rebecca Oravec (Miss O)

In addition to Leadership Habits, I also teach middle school Art!  I was raised in upstate New York but have lived in Germany and Washington before moving to Tucson! This is my third year at Wrightson Ridge. Before teaching here, I worked in a Special Education Preschool, was a school secretary, and taught Elementary Art. I have a dog named Goose who you will see pictured around my classroom. In my free time, I love to paint, ride my motorcycle, and try new foods from diverse cultures. 

520-314-3920 | room #214
[email protected]
