With the closure of our schools due to COVID-19, Sahuarita Unified School District is committed to refunding to the greatest extent possible non-tax credit canceled trip fees and spring pay-to-play fees upon request.
Tax Credit fees are non-refundable. Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) has given guidance that the fees are contributed back in the form of a tax credit when the taxes are filed by the taxpayer. This is in place so that dollars are not being accounted for twice, once in the form of a school refund and the other in the form of a state tax refund.
ADOR’s position is that the unused tax credit funds remain at the originating site. Therefore, these funds shall not be transferred to another school site following individual students. Next year excess funds created by canceled trips from the prior year can be used to lower cost towards alternative trips or for the good of the program. However, the funds are required to remain in the program in which the donation was designated for.
If students have paid fees that are non-tax credit related items, we will be offering refunds as follows:
- Refunds will be issued for funds directly paid to the District for spring canceled events such as Spring Pay-to-Play fees or trips, upon request. We will need to look at each refund request carefully and may need to refund a prorated amount, in consideration of dollars that the District could not recover from the vendor(s), if any.
- The deadline for requesting a refund for a spring canceled event is May 15, 2020.
The business office will continue to work hard to process each request as quickly as possible.
The deadline for requesting refunds has passed. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to susdrefunds@sahuarita.net.