K-12 Online Book Study: Shattering the Perfect Teacher Myth By Aaron Hogan

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Date(s) - 01/14/2020
All Day

Sahuarita USD

Perfect teachers are like unicorns: a myth!

The idyllic myth of the perfect teacher— the one who has it all together and breezes through the school year without fear or stress and whose well-behaved students always get straight A’s sets the bar incredibly high for educators. The author and educator is on a mission to shatter the myth of the perfect teacher by equipping educators with strategies that help them THRIVE.

You’ll learn how to shift out of survival mode and how to thrive through… teaching expectations, hooking your students to increase engagement and community, rejecting isolation to create a powerful support system, imagining ways your work can be better on the path to success, valuing vulnerability to empower students to take risks, and setting the foundation for meaningful relationships.

 Participants need to purchase book-study book prior to the start date. https://www.amazon.com/Shattering-Perfect-Teacher-Myth-Educator/dp/1946444154/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3IHEQ4QOK23LN&keywords=shattering+the+perfect+teacher+myth&qid=1560873603&s=gateway&sprefix=shattering%2Caps%2C176&sr=8-1 

Tue, January 14, 2020
(Weekly reading and discussion posting)
$35 – Limited Space Available. Registration closes Jan. 7, 2020.

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