WRS Sports Updates

Posted on social media on 11/23/22
WRS Middle School Sports Announcements for Nov., Dec., & Jan.:
Open Gym Days for Basketball: Nov. 30th & Dec. 7th from 1 PM to 4 PM
Girls Basketball & Boys Soccer – Dec. 13th-15th from 2 PM to 4 PM
Wrestling – January 9th from 2 PM to 4 PM
Students can speak to Mr. Wadsworth if they have any questions!
SY22-23 Quarter 1 Sports has started.
Volleyball, Flag Football, Cross Country, and Cheer are in full swing.
See the Practice Schedule below.
  • Volleyball- Mondays – Thursdays
  • Cheer- Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Football- Mondays – Thursdays
  • Cross Country- Mondays – Fridays
Posted on social media on 10/25/2021
— 2nd Quarter Sports Schedule —
**Updated with a change**
Date: Girls’ Soccer & Boys’ Basketball
10/26 Altar Valley @ WRS **Moved to 11/23**
10/28 Continental @ WRS
11/2 WRS @ Calabasas
11/4 Emily Gray @ WRS
11/9 # WRS @ SMS #
11/10 Wade Carpenter @ WRS
11/12 Desert Shadows @ WRS
11/16 * WRS @ Coatimundi (see soccer note below) *
11/18 Anza @ WRS
11/23 Altar Valley @ WRS **New change**
11/30. Playoffs, TBD
12/2 Championship, TBD
All games begin at approximately 3:45pm
# No bus home, please pickup player at the location #
* The 11/16 soccer game will be at Calabasas Middle School. 131 Camino Maricopa, Rio Rico, AZ 85648 *
**All games/meets begin at approximately 3:45pm**
# No bus home, please pickup child at location #

Posted on social media on 10/21/2021


Please remember that your child’s $25 pay to play fee payment must be received prior to the first scheduled girls’ soccer or boys’ basketball game Tuesday, 8/26. If payment is not received, unfortunately, your son/daughter will not be able to participate in the games.

Payments can either be made in person to the WRS front office or online using either the SUSD purchases & payments link: https://susd30.us/families/online-payments/ or tax credit payment link: https://susd30.us/community/tax-credit/… If you choose the tax credit option, please email or send a copy of the receipt to jgilbert@sahuarita.net

The WRS Athletics Team


Posted on Social Media on 10/18/2021


Please remember that your child’s $25 pay to play fee payment must be received prior to the first scheduled girls’ soccer or boys’ basketball game Tuesday, 8/26. If payment is not received, unfortunately, your son/daughter will not be able to participate in the games.

Payments can either be made in person to the WRS front office or online using either the SUSD purchases & payments link: https://susd30.us/families/online-payments/ or tax credit payment link: https://susd30.us/community/tax-credit/… If you choose the tax credit option, please email or send a copy of the receipt to jgilbert@sahuarita.net

The WRS Athletics Team

Posted on Social Media on 9/30/2021

Tryouts for boys’ basketball & girls’ soccer begin Monday 10/11, right after our fall break. They will run Mon – Wed from 2:30-4:00 pm with activity buses leaving WRS at 4:00. Students MUST have a current physical emergency form on file in the health office to participate in tryouts.  Additionally, players must have shin guards to tryout for soccer, no exceptions due to safety reasons. The soccer team will have a parent meeting on 10/18 at 4pm in the cafeteria, where the $25 sports fee may be paid as well.

Please visit our school’s athletics web page for a copy of the physical, emergency form, & detailed information at https://susd30.us/…/wrightson-r…/student-life/wrs-athletics/ or contact our Athletic Director with any questions at jgilbert@sahuarita.net.

The WRS Athletics Team

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