Special Education Process


Child Find

Special Education Process

Shall be completed within 45 calendar days after...
  • Entry of each preschool or kindergarten student and any student enrolling without records of screening, evaluation, or progress in school
  • Notification by parents of concerns regarding developmental or educational progress of their child
  • Transfer students’ educational enrollment data and performance in the prior school must be reviewed
  • A student with a history of special education who is not currently eligible shall be considered for referral for a full and individual evaluation or other services

No Concerns Noted (No further action necessary)

Concerns Noted (Parents must be notified of concerns within 10 school days)

Conduct and document follow-up that may include but is not limited to pre-referral activities, screening, response to intervention strategies

Referral for Evaluation

Provide Prior Written Notice, Procedural Safeguards and Meeting, Notice (if meeting is to take place), Review existing data

No Additional Data Needed Provide Meeting Notice, Determine eligibility, Summarize all information in an evaluation report provided to parent, Provide Prior Written Notice

Additional Data Needed Provide Prior Written Notice, Obtain Parental Consent, Gather additional data, Provide Meeting Notice, Review new data, Determine eligibility, Summarize all information in an evaluation report provided to parent, Provide Prior Written Notice

Provide Meeting Notice (if meeting is to take place), Review existing data

Additional Data Needed Provide Prior Written Notice, Obtain Parental Consent, Gather additional data, Provide Meeting Notice, Review new data, Determine continued eligibility, Summarize all information in an evaluation report provided to parent, Provide Prior Written Notice

No Additional Data Needed Notify parents of right to request additional data, Determine eligibility, Summarize all information in an evaluation report provided to parent, Provide Prior Written Notice

Provide meeting notice and Procedural Safeguards if not provided to parent yet in current school year

Develop IEP

Provide Prior Written Notice