Student Teachers

Upon receipt of a placement request from a potential student teacher/intern or his/her program coordinator, the following protocol shall be followed. The placement request may be made directly to the school or to the Administrative Services Office (ASO).

School Site

1) If a school is contacted directly with a placement request, and is able to accommodate the request, the school site will:

a) Forward the Student Teacher/Intern Form to the requestor and request for it to be completed by the Student Teacher/Intern and his/her program coordinator.

b) Advise the requestor that a copy of his/her AZ DPS Fingerprint Clearance Card will need to be submitted prior to beginning the observation, student teaching, etc.

c) Once the school receives a copy of the form back, the principal will sign and have the mentor teacher sign as well.

d) The completed form is sent to the ASO Administrative Assistant for processing of the photo ID.

2) If the school site is NOT able to accommodate the request, the school will: a) Forward the requestor to the Administrative Services Office to initiate district-wide request.

Administrative Services Office

1) The placement request (received either via email or telephone) will be logged into database with the requested information:

  • Grade level
  • Subject, if applicable
  • School of preference (if any)
  • Time frame of observation/teaching, etc.

2) If a Student Teacher/Intern Form and fingerprint clearance card are attached with the request, they will be scanned and saved for future use.

3) The ASO Admin. Asst. will email all applicable schools the placement request requirements to see if any school is able to accommodate the request. If received, a copy of the requestor’s Student Teacher/Intern form will be attached to the email to the schools.

4) Upon confirmation from a principal, the ASO Admin. Asst. will relay the response to the requestor and forward a copy of the Student Teacher/Intern forms for his/her use (if needed). The requestor will also be advised that a copy of his/her AZ DPS Fingerprint Clearance Card is needed on file if they have not submitted it previously.

5) Upon receipt of a form completed by the Student Teacher, the program coordinator, principal, and mentor teacher (and the fingerprint clearance card) the ASO Admin. Asst. will contact the student teacher/intern to arrange a time to take a photo and issue Student Teacher/Intern ID badge.

Student Teacher Application

Student Data Confidentiality Form