While using this network (“SUSD_Guest”), you are agreeing to these Terms of Use:
Sahuarita Unified School District #30 (SUSD#30) offers wireless Internet access in the form of a Guest WI-FI network (“SUSD_Guest”) in and on the grounds of the District buildings. GUEST WI-FI is provided as a public service, free of charge, for the convenience of visitors conducting business with SUSD#30 and for anyone wanting to connect to the Internet. This service is subject to the terms and conditions below.
The GUEST WI-FI is content filtered and certain Internet site categories may be blocked. Other filters are also in place and some content may not be accessible. The filter setting can not be changed on the GUEST WI-FI.
SUSD#30 does not guarantee minimum Internet connection speeds and all network traffic is monitored and logged.
SUSD #30 cannot be held responsible for insuring the privacy of any confidential or financial information patrons may send over the GUEST WI-FI. Virus and security protection is the end user’s responsibility. Information passing through the GUEST WI-FI network is not encrypted, nor secured, and could be monitored, captured, or altered by others. SUSD #30 disclaims any liability for unauthorized security breaches and encourages all users to adhere to good security practices.
SUSD #30 staff is not permitted to support user connectivity issues or user computer/device issues of any type. SUSD #30 assumes no responsibility for damage, theft, or loss of user’s equipment, software, data files or other personal property brought into or used on the GUEST WI-FI network.
If SUSD #30 staff is contacted for assistance they will only verify the current operational state of the GUEST WI-FI system. There is no guarantee of access to the GUEST WI-FI at any specific time, at a specific speed, location or with any specific equipment. Service disruptions may occur, and some equipment may be incompatible. SUSD #30 will treat repair issues related to the GUEST WIFI as a lower priority than work orders and issues directly affecting SUSD #30 departments, boards and committees.
At its sole discretion, SUSD #30 may terminate access to GUEST WI-FI at anytime, without prior notice.
If you do not understand and agree to this Disclaimer and Terms of Use you are not permitted to use this service. Failure to comply with these terms and conditions can lead to loss of network access, suspension of privileges, and/or prosecution.
In using GUEST WI-FI, I agree to and hereby release, indemnify and hold harmless, SUSD #30, it’s employees, and any affiliate, from any damage that may result in my use of GUEST WI-FI.
While using GUEST WI-FI, I acknowledge that I am subject to, and agree to abide by all laws and rules and regulations of the SUSD #30, All Governing Board Policies and specifically IJNDB, IJNDB-RA, IJNDB-RB and IJNDB-E, the State of Arizona, and the Federal Government that are applicable to Internet use.