Public Records Request

Public Records Request

SUSD public records request form under Arizona Public Records Law (§ 39.101 et seq.).

  • Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Requester Information

  • Records Being Requested

  • Please specifically describe the record requested for review.
  • If you intend to use these documents for commercial purpose state the commercial purpose in the field below for which the above -requested public records will be used. (A.R.S. 39-121.03)
  • Signature of Requesting Party

    For non-commercial use records requests, please include your electronic signature below. (First name, Last name, and Date of Birth)
  • Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY

Fee Schedule

  1. Research and Retrieval: First hour of research and retrieval is free. $30 per hour for additional time devoted to searching for requested information.
  2. Electronic: No charge for transmitting public records via email, provided that requesting party may be charged staff time associated with research and retrieval of the requested records.
  3. Photocopies:  $0.25 per page after the first 20 pages.
  4. CD: $5.00 each
  5. Commercial: There may be additional fees for commercial requests.