
Breakfast and lunch are both provided daily. Students who qualify may receive meals free or at a reduced rate. Applications for free or reduced lunches are distributed at the beginning of the school year and are available in the front office. If a family’s financial situation changes during the year, free and reduced applications will be available in the office.

Meal Times:

— 7:00 – 7:25am
— (COST: $1.05 / $.30 reduced price)

— Kindergarten 10:30am
— 1st Grade 10:45am
— 2nd Grade 11:00am
— (COST: $2.05/ $.40 reduced price)



Payment for lunches should be given to the teacher at the beginning of the day and can be in cash or a check made out to Sahuarita Schools. Paying in advance (i.e. one week or one month at a time) is strongly encouraged. Students will be allowed to charge a negative balance up to $6.00.

After the child reaches this maximum, the cafeteria will send a note home with the child and the child will be given an alternative meal consisting of a sandwich and milk.
If you have questions please call the cafeteria at 625-3502 ex. 1023/1022

Cafeteria Rules

SPS Healthy Owls Website

Current Menu

Breakfast and lunch are both provided daily. Students who qualify may receive meals free or at a reduced rate. Applications for free or reduced lunches are distributed at the beginning of the school year and are available in the front office. If a family’s financial situation changes during the year, free and reduced applications will be available in the office.

Meal Times:

— 7:00 – 7:25am
— (COST: $1.05 / $.30 reduced price)

— Kindergarten 10:30am
— 1st Grade 10:45am
— 2nd Grade 11:00am
— (COST: $2.05/ $.40 reduced price)

Payment for lunches should be given to the teacher at the beginning of the day and can be in cash or a check made out to Sahuarita Schools. Paying in advance (i.e. one week or one month at a time) is strongly encouraged. Students will be allowed to charge a negative balance up to $6.00.

After the child reaches this maximum, the cafeteria will send a note home with the child and the child will be given an alternative meal consisting of a sandwich and milk.
If you have questions please call the cafeteria at 625-3502 ex. 1023/1022

Cafeteria Rules
In our cafeteria, students focus on appropriate manners. In order for students to receive proper nutrition, students must have an opportunity to eat all their lunch without disruption and to sit in an area free of litter.

Most importantly, the cafeteria must be safe for students while they are walking to and from their tables, as well as while them are seated. The guidelines are as follows:

  • Students are expected to use appropriate table manners.
  • Excessive misbehavior or disrespect will be reported to the classroom teacher.
  • Depending on the severity of the offenses, an administrator will be informed.
  • Throwing food will not be tolerated.
  • Students are not allowed to handle other students’ food.
  • Any inappropriate behavior not covered will be subject to disciplinary action.


Classroom Snacks

Classroom snacks must feature:

Healthy choices: Low Fat, Low Sugar snacks. Limits on calories – i.e., 100 cal per bag.

Suggested Snacks:
Fresh Fruit (apples, oranges, bananas, etc), fruit kabobs, juice bars, 100% juice, yogurt, raisins, trail mix, pretzels, granola bars, baked chip, cheese sticks, dry cereals (cheerios), etc.

NOTE: Due to high number of peanut allergies, we ask that peanut products be avoided as much as possible. If your child is in a classroom with a severe food allergy, there may be additional guidelines for food options.

Birthday Treats

Due to the number of students who are allergic to many food products, ALL items must be store bought and still in the package, with the ingredients listed. This helps us ensure the safety of all of our students.