Summer School

Our summer school programs are designed to provide Sahuarita students with educational opportunities over the summer break to refine skills, prevent learning loss, and gain academic ground. Please select the appropriate summer school program below for more information. 


2025 K-8th Summer School


 Wrightson Ridge School
June 2- June 26, 2025

Monday – Thursday
8:00 a.m.– 12:00 p.m.

Sahuarita Unified School District is offering a tuition-based enrichment program for SUSD Kindergarten- 8th grade students at Wrightson Ridge School this coming summer!

The robust summer program includes focused literacy and math instruction, as well as various enrichment opportunities in science, art, movement, and social-emotional learning. Small class sizes and District infectious illness protocols will be followed.

K-8 Enrichment Program tuition is $320 per student. A deposit of $50 is required to hold the student’s spot in the program. Full payment is due by May 1st. A discount of $50 is offered for full payment by 2/28. Sibling enrollments are discounted $25 and we offer a 25% employee discount. Payments can be made online or at your school site. Please allow 48 hours for the fee to appear on your student’s account. There are no refunds or exchanges of deposits or tuition payments.

To register your child for the 2025 K-8th Grade Summer Enrichment Program, complete the registration form below. For questions about the K-8 Summer Enrichment Program, please reach out to the program coordinator, Trina Zimmermann-Hall at

"*" indicates required fields

Step 1 of 5

Student Name*
Indicate any services/accommodations for your child that are currently in place. (Check all that apply.)*
Are siblings registering to attend?*
Are you an employee of Sahuarita Unified School District?*

2025 High School Summer School 

2025 SUSD Summer School will be hosted at Walden Grove High School

Get Ahead or Credit Recovery
Sahuarita Unified School District is offering two semesters, two and a half-week semester courses at Walden Grove High School this summer. All students are welcome! Students may earn up to one credit by participating in both semesters. Attendance is critical in summer school. Students are permitted only one (1) absence per semester, with no exceptions, regardless of whether excused or unexcused. Tardies are counted as absences at a rate of 3 tardies = 1 absence.

Class Offerings

Classroom Courses

  • Algebra I
  • Geometry
  • Algebra II
  • Economics* (Session 1 only)
  • American Government* (Session 2 only)
  • Spanish I
  • Spanish II
  • P.E.

Online Courses

(administered at WGHS)

  • English I
  • English II
  • English III
  • English IV
  • Integrated Science
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Earth & Space
  • Environmental Science
  • Physics
  • World History
  • U.S. History
  • Personal Finance*
  • Sociology*
  • Strategies for Academic Success*










* Indicates class is only a one-semester course.

Payment Information
Summer school tuition requires a minimum of $150.00 prior to the registration due date, May 1st. After the registration due date, a $50.00 late fee will be applied on May 2, 2025. If a student registers on the first day of summer school, tuition will include the $150.00 course fee and $50.00 late fee. Students who register on the first day of summer school will have until the next day, 24 hours, to complete tuition payment. If enrolling in summer school Semester B, additional tuition balances must be paid before the end of the 5th day or the student will be withdrawn.

High school summer school registration and fee payment are now completed securely online through the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal on any web browser (not available on the app) and select Purchases & Payments under Navigation. Additionally, directions for navigating the payment system can be found at

There will be no refunds issued. The only exception to this policy is if a class is canceled by SUSD.

For more information, contact Mr. Joe Defazio at

Summer School Accommodations
Due to the limited time schedule for summer school, instructional accommodations are limited to only those that can be implemented daily in the classroom. Extended time for completion of work cannot be honored due to the time constraint of summer school. Work must be completed within the established summer school schedule.

Summer School Student Information 

May 27, 2025 – June 11, 2025
Monday – Friday
ALL classes meet 7:30 am – 1:00 pm
(NO SCHOOL ON MAY 26,2024 – Memorial Day)
June 12, 2025 – June 27, 2025
Monday – Friday
ALL classes meet 7:30 am – 1:00 pm

Morning Break: 9:30 AM
Lunch Break: 11:30 AM – 12 PM

The bookstore committee will be selling lunch daily. Students are NOT permitted to go off campus for lunch.

Absences & Tardies
Students are permitted ONE absence only per semester, no exceptions. Students will be considered tardy if they are not present at the start of class at 7:30 am. Tardies are counted as absences at a rate of 3 tardies = 1 absence. Any student arriving after 7:45 am will be counted as absent for that day. Any student leaving class before 12:45 pm will be counted as absent. Students withdrawn from summer school due to absences or tardies will not receive credit or a refund. The Department of Education requires students to have a certain amount of seat time to earn their credit.
3 Tardies = 1 Absence. If a student is absent or tardy, passes will be given.
1 Absent + 1 Tardy = Drop from course.
4 Tardies = Drop from course.

Online Courses
Students who have registered to take online summer school courses must still report to Walden Grove High School. Teachers will be present to help keep students on track for completion. Parents will be notified if the student is not making satisfactory progress. Contact will be made by phone. Students must stay on task for their target completion date and must complete the course in its entirety by the end of each semester. Grading will be based on a whole number grade. There will be no rounding up of grades to the next letter grade (i.e. A 79% will be the final grade of a C and will not be adjusted to a B). Students have the choice during each semester to retake assessments during class in order to attain a higher score.

Food and Drink
Food or drinks are permitted in classrooms at the teacher’s discretion. Food and drink are not permitted in the computer lab or library, except bottled water.

The Sahuarita Unified School District policies and procedures are in effect throughout summer school. Discipline infractions will not be tolerated since summer school is a privilege, not a right. A student with habitual discipline infractions will be withdrawn from summer school and will not receive credit or a refund. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Defazio at