Highly Qualified Teacher and Paraprofessional Notification:
As a parent or guardian, you can request information concerning the professional qualification of your child’s teacher(s). You may request any of the following information, at a minimum:
- Whether your child’s teacher meets Arizona teacher qualifying and licensing criteria for the grade level or subject area which the teacher teaches;
- Whether your child’s teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status from the State Department of Education;
- The baccalaureate degree major of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher. Whether paraprofessionals (teacher aides) provide any services to your student, you may request information on the qualifications of those individuals.
- If you would like to request professional qualifications information, please contact me at rbeachy@sahuarita.net or 625-3502 ext 1300, Robert Beachy, Principal.
Name | Contact | Location | Grade level | Subject |
BASSAN, LIZEIKA | lizeika.bassan@sahuarita.net | SOP | SECRETARY, ELEMENTARY | |
BEACHY, ROBERT | rbeachy@sahuarita.net | SOP | PRINCIPAL | |
DE FIERRO, XEOMARA | xdefierro@sahuarita.net | SOP | INSTRUCTIONAL AIDE | |
DEFAZIO, KRISTIN | kristin.defazio@sahuarita.net | SOP | EVEN START | |
FIERRO, MIKAYLA | mikayla.fierro@sahuarita.net | SOP | INSTRUCTIONAL AIDE | |
FIERRO, MIREYA | mireya.fierro@sahuarita.net | SOP | INST AIDE, SPECIAL ED | |
MCDONALD, ANDREA | andrea.mcdonald@sahuarita.net | SOP | HEALTH ASSISTANT | |
OLIVAS, MONICA | molivas@sahuarita.net | SOP | INSTRUCTIONAL AIDE | |
PERRY, GEMMA | gemma.perry@sahuarita.net | SOP | TECHNOLOGY ASSISTANT | |
VELASQUEZ PINA, BARBARA | barbara.pina@sahuarita.net | SOP | INSTRUCTIONAL AIDE | |
VELASQUEZ-PINA, STEPHANIE | stephanie.velasquez@sahuarita.net | SOP | LIBRARY TECHNICIAN | |
FRANZONE, EMMA | emma.franzone@sahuarita.net | SOP | 1 | TEACHER |
HERNDON, MARGOT | mherndon@sahuarita.net | SOP | 2 | TEACHER |
OROZCO, VERONICA | vorozco@sahuarita.net | SOP | 3 | TEACHER |
SWARTZ, JULIET | juliet.swartz@sahuarita.net | SOP | 5 | TEACHER |
ALVAREZ, ROSA | ralvarez@sahuarita.net | SOP | ELEM | ELL |
BARRY, DANIEL | dbarry@sahuarita.net | SOP | ELEM | PE |
CHAVEZ, AMANDA | achavez@sahuarita.net | SOP | ELEM | GIFTED |
CHRISTIANSEN, KAITLYNN | kaitlynn.christiansen@sahuarita.net | SOP | ELEM | MUSIC |
TURNER, JANA H | jturner@sahuarita.net | SOP | ELEM | READING |